Local Mines

Latest Updates

  • Ulan West Modification 8: Significant Risks with Poor Justification
    The scoping report for Ulan West Mod 8 has been lodged, revealing plans to extend operations to 2041 despite serious risks to water, biodiversity, and local communities, with poor justification for the expansion. Read more.
  • The Brett Whiteley mural on The Drip walk is currently managed by Goulburn River National Park. However, Yancoal’s new extraction plan (Moolarben UG4) comes within 100m of the river and could destabilise the area to a point where public access would be removed for safety. The mines approval requires ‘nil impacts’ on The Drip gorge. To achieve this, a 2km buffer would be needed. Read More.
  • NSW Biodiversity Conservation and Science Group Response to Yancoal's Moolarben OC3 expansion:
    The NSW Biodiversity Conservation and Science (BCS) Group recommended the Moolarben Coal Mine significantly reduce impacts of the proposed development on the Munghorn Gap Nature Reserve (MGNR) requiring a 500 metre buffer from the nature reserve to reduce the direct loss of habitat and blasting vibration impacts. Read More.
  • In the press:
    Assessment Report: Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure
    ABC News: "Wollar residents fear for town's future with temporary accommodation bid for coal mine workers"
    ABC Listen: "Country Hour"

Mudgee Coal Alert

An initiative of Mudgee District Environment Group with the support of Lock The Gate.

Mudgee Coal Alert is a community action group in the Upper Hunter opposing new coal expansions in the Mudgee region.

Our focus is on three large coal mines which operate North of Mudgee on Wiradjuri land: Yancoal's Moolarben Mine, Glencore's Ulan Mine and Peabody's Wilpinjong Mine. Their approvals allow them to produce a combined volume of up to 58 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) until 2038.  The three coal mines were the largest producers of coal in NSW for 2023. Yancoal's Moolarben Mine topped the list producing 14.2 million tonnes of coal. Closely followed by the Glencore's Ulan Mine with 11,3 million tonnes and Peabody's Wilpinjong Mine with 11.2 million tonnes.

Climate science and the International Energy Agency have declared that to ensure a safe climate future no more new coal can be mined.

All three mines are currently planning to expand!

If these expansion plans are approved it will make a mockery of NSW Government Climate Change target of 50 per cent emissions reduction on 2005 levels by 2030.
The target of net zero emissions by 2050 will be impossible.

Any expansion of fossil fuels is dangerous and irresponsible.
Don’t turbo charge climate change!
It is time to put a stop to the further expansion of coal in the Mudgee Region.

Stop Coal Expansion in the Mudgee Region!

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Three large coal mines operate North of Mudgee on Wiradjuri land: Yancoal's Moolarben Mine, Glencore's Ulan Mine and Peabody's Wilpinjong Mine. The mines intersect farming land, the Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone and awe-inspiring National Parks.

The three mines were the biggest producers of coal in NSW in 2023 with a combined production of 36.7 million tonnes - equivalent to 89 MT CO2e. The overall CO2e could be as great as 1.7 billion tonnes with current approvals and proposed expansions. This is three times Australia’s emissions from all sources.

All three mines are planning to expand! Yancoal’s proposed Moolarben OC3 expansion will produce an additional 30 million tonnes of coal, Glencore’s Ulan Mod 6 will produce an additional 16 million tonnes of coal and extend mining operations up to 2035, Peabody’s Wilpinjong Mine is planning an extension to produce an additional 34 million tonnes of coal.

Continuing to approve expansions of mines this size makes a mockery of the NSW target of 50% reductions by 2030. The target of net zero emissions by 2050 will be impossible. The NSW Government has recently admitted that they are already struggling to meet these legislated targets under the Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Act 2023.

The three mines are also within the Central West  Orana Renewable Energy Zone. Competition for workforce, accommodation and services are very high. There is no justification to expand coal mining in a region with  fast-tracked renewable energy generation.

To ensure a safe climate future,  no new coal can be mined.

Take Action Now

Did You Know?

They Don't Pay Tax

The three multinational coal companies operating in the Mudgee Region: Glencore, Yancoal and Peabody Energy pay minimal to NIL tax in Australia while making significant profits that are sent offshore.

They Threaten Tourism

Mudgee is NSW top tourist destination. These mines are adjacent to the Goulburn River, the National Park and Munghorn Gap Nature Reserve (an Important Bird Area). They threaten the leading natural tourism attraction – The Drip Gorge.

They Threaten Our Water

Current coal operations have approval to draw a staggering 24,000 million litres of groundwater from the landscape every year – that’s more than 9,000 Olympic swimming pools!

They're Expanding

The coal mine operations mining leases (MLs) cover a combined area of approximately 300 km2 equivalent to the distance between Chatswood and Penrith. Additional 165km2are held under exploration licences (ELs).
