The Mudgee District Environment Group (MDEG) is based in the Mid-Western Region local government area of NSW, within the central tablelands on the Great Dividing Range.

MDEG began meeting in 1989 to highlight global issues like climate change, deforestation and recycling under the theme ‘think globally, act locally’. Our activities have included membership of Council committees, taking part in biodiversity surveys, bush regeneration, tree planting, public meetings, information stalls and supporting national and state environmental campaigns. More recently we’ve focused on the environmental and social impacts of expanding coal mines and the need to protect areas like The Great Dripping Wall from subsidence from adjacent mines. MDEG’s current focus is on promoting renewable energy.


  • Provide information about environmental problems and solutions
  • Lobby local, state and federal governments to take environmental action
  • Encourage and support individuals to take environmental action in the home, school and workplace
  • Encourage community tree planting and bush regeneration
  • Preserve and maintain the natural environment of the district
  • Support environmental campaigns of local, regional, national and international significance


Our committee is elected annually at the AGM and includes the Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. Current members of the committee are:

  • Chairperson: Rosemary Hadaway
  • Treasurer: Derek Finter
  • Secretary: John Clarke