Peabody's Wilpinjong Coal Mine

This operation covering 36 km2 was approved in 2006 to produce 9.5 mtpa and supply 7 mtpa under contract to Bayswater Power Station. With a number of modifications and an extension approved in 2017 this mine is now approved to extract 16 mtpa until 2033. The contract to Bayswater expires in 2026 and the bulk of the product is exported. An operational release to the north, east and south-east of Wollar village, EL 9399 over 1668 ha, was granted in May 2022. The lease is over mine-owned land excepting an area of Crown Land with a Native Title Claim directly opposite the village.

A drilling program commenced in August 2022 over an 18 mth period. An environmental assessment process is being conducted concurrently with the aim of lodging a mining application for the northern section of the lease as soon as possible after drilling has provided the necessary information.

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