We welcome new members to join in our current activities aiming specifically to make Mudgee more sustainable. Our members perform a wide range of activities so no matter what your experience is there will be some way you can contribute.
Our activities include:
- letter writing
- submissions
- information distribution
- media communication
- public meetings
- demonstrations
- street stalls
- lobbying politicians
- community action
- bush regeneration
- fundraising
- working groups
Meetings 2024:
• Sunday 11th February 2-4pm – Lions Shed, Mudgee Showground
• AGM Sunday 17th March 11am – CWA Hall, Herbert St, Gulgong
• Sunday 28th April 2-4pm - Lions Shed, Mudgee Showground
• Sunday 9th June 2-4pm - Lions Shed, Mudgee Showground
• Sunday 21st July 2-4pm – Red Hill Environmental Education Centre, Gulgong
• Sunday 1st September 2-4pm - Lions Shed, Mudgee Showground
• Sunday 13th October 2-4pm - Lions Shed, Mudgee Showground
• Sunday 24th November. Venue and time TBC

Become a Member
To become a member simply download the form below and send to: contact@mdeg.org.au
and pay the applicable membership:
$30 family | $20 single | $10 concession | $5 student
Use this QR code to pay your membership fees:
- MDEG Membership Brochure 2018 (3 MB)
(Uploaded: 27.09.2018)