Mudgee District Environment Group is pleased to announce an exciting musical event: The Sing Up The Power Save The Drip benefit concert will be held in Gulgong’s famous Prince of Wales Opera House on Saturday 25th August 2pm-6pm.
FEATURING – WITCHES LEAP with uilleann pipes, bouzouki and a blackwood Irish flute, will take us on a stomping trad-folk-noir expedition. They will lead us through the coming of the white man to bushrangers and redcoats into the present onto lands devastated by Coal Mining, exploring the continuing stories of injustice.
LUKE O’SHEA known for his storytelling and powerful live shows, with or without his exceptional band ‘Medicine Wheel’ – has a unique, yet classic Australian sound.
A recipient of 9 Golden Guitars & twice named the Australian Independent Artist of the Year – Luke O’Shea carries on the ancient tradition of singing up the country.
MICK FETCH is well-known to locals having an affinity with the Mudgee area and its people. His roots are planted firmly in the soil here!
A full program including talented locals will inspire and delight while demonstrating the ancient power of song-lines.
TICKETS: Adults $20 Family $50 Concession/child $10. Available on-line or at the door. Book early to avoid disappointment.
Come along for a great weekend and support a good cause!
After the concert why not join in DINNER: at Red Hill Environmental Education Centre 7pm $20 Bookings essential. ACCOMMODATION is available at Red Hill $20 (bunks or camping) Bookings essential. Details: Music after dinner until late at Red Hill! Join in a fantastic jam session and Sing Up The Power!
Connect with the land and enjoy a guided walk at The Drip, Sunday 26th 11am. FREE- BYO food and drinks.
Find all the information you need and make your booking or ph 0411755682. Like us at
See you there!