The beautiful Macquarie Marshes are irreplaceable. This stunning natural feature is on the Ramsar List as a wetland of international significance.
The Marshes hold important cultural sites for the Wailwan People. The ecosystem is unique and a vital breeding site for migratory birds.
Plans to build a massive new super weir at Gin Gin on the Wambool-Macquarie River threaten the health of the Macquarie Marshes.
Seasonal flows that enter the river below Burrendong dam every year are vital in keeping life in the Marshes ticking over between floods. These flows would be at risk should this disastrous in-channel dam go ahead.
The planned re-regulating dam on the Macquarie River at Gin Gin would be a death knoll for the internationally recognised Ramsar listed Macquarie Marshes.
Worried about the future of the famous bird breeding wetlands, some Mudgee locals had a chance to chat on Friday with Dugald Saunders MP about the fast tracked Gin Gin project.
Mr Saunders was happy to stop and hear concerns from locals about how the project would take water from the environment’s share and make it available for extraction.
Current estimates are that between 14,000 and 25,000 megalitres of water on average every year will be taken from the river upstream of the Ramsar wetlands as a result of the Gin Gin project.
This water is critical for the health of the Marshes.
Further info – Healthy Rivers Dubbo: