Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA) is the only organisation of medical professionals in Australia solely focused on promoting good health through care of the environment. The organisation says that our forests and native vegetation like grasslands, wetlands and woodlands are vital to our well-being.
They provide a wide range of benefits to support our health and the environment in which we live. Consequently, destruction of these natural ecosystems through land clearing harms human health. These health impacts are outlined in a related DEA fact sheet.
There are multiple health benefits of forests in addition to their carbon storage effects. Forests clean our air and water, promote rain formation and protect soils from salinity and erosion. They are also a source of a rich variety of foods, especially for indigenous people. Many forests are sources of bioactive compounds from which over half our modern medicines have been developed. The predicted loss of species caused by deforestation and climate change may include plants whose potential medicinal and nutritional value is yet to be determined. We just can’t do without our beautiful forests!
DEA recognizes the value of our forests for human health and well being and works to inform government and broader society of these benefits. We also support organisations and programs working to protect our precious old growth forests from further destruction and we actively promote the health and cultural importance of forests in Australia and globally.
Mudgee District Environment Group (MDEG) works to ensure our local forests and native vegetation are protected. The group is restoring a Box-Gum Grassy Woodland at Adams Lead near Gulgong. It is a delightful, peaceful place to visit. Why not check it out and enjoy the pathway and interpretive signs?…perhaps even come to a working bee and meet the friendly people of MDEG?
Source: Doctors for the Environment Australia