Send a clear message to NSW Planning of the wide spread community concern and Australia-wide support
that The Drip gorge and Goulburn River needs real protection – not just empty words and inadequate conditions……

Lodge a short submission  using your own words, thoughts or impressions
Date due in: Sunday 20th October

Submission guide – Mining project – Moolarben Stage 1 MOD 15 – UG4 Ancillary Works

The Moolarben Coal mine is seeking yet another modification in order to locate and drill a cluster of 3 dewatering boreholes (nominal diameter ~700mm) opposite The Drip at a total of 4 sites across Underground No 4 Mine (UG4) plus associated clearing for installation and access tracks in an existing biodiversity offset area.

The location of the northern bore sites – opposite The Drip, and approximately 250 m from the Goulburn River is of great concern considering the close proximity to significant natural features and the potential interception and depressurisation of the Triassic/upper Permian groundwater system. This dewatering borefield and subsidence from the long-wall mining (UG4) will significantly lower groundwater levels for many kilometres permanently altering the groundwater system and potentially the water supply to The Drip and Goulburn River National Park.

Main points for submission:

  1. De-watering bore opposite The Drip is not acceptable
  2. New modelling for Moolarben has identified greater draw-down of groundwater than previously assessed. This needs to be fully assessed before Mod 15 can be considered.
  3. Conditions do not adequately monitor or manage for ‘nil impact’ on The Drip

Additional points

  1. Surface disturbance in biodiversity offset area is not acceptable
  2. Surface disturbance on Bora Creek will increase threats to Goulburn River
  3. Disturbance of significant Aboriginal cultural heritage site is not acceptable

You lodge your submission at the NSW Department of Planning at the website portal

You are required to register your name (if you have not already done before).

Details also on The Save the Drip face book page While you are there please share.

Photo – Two Ducks Photography

Addtional information MDEG – Moolarben Coal Stage 1 – Mod15